Lamb for the Holidays
Throughout the year, lamb is often the main course at holiday celebrations for many people.
Easter Lamb
Christian Holidays when Lamb is often Consumed
Western or Roman Easter
This holiday is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his death from crucifixion.
Greek Orthodox or Eastern Easter
This holiday also celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but the time is calculated a bit differently and so the holiday often occurs about one to two weeks following the Western Easter celebration
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Ramadan Lamb
Islamic Holidays
Eid ul Adha - The Festival of Sacrifice (July 9-10, 2022)
Eid ul Adha is a celebration that commemorates the Prophet Ibrahim (renamed Abraham) who was willing to sacrifice his son Ismail for Allah. Animals that are sacrificed for this celebration must be Halal. The sacrificed animal is often shared with extended family members and some may be given away to the needy
Muharram - Islamic New Year (July 30th, 2022)
The Islamic New Year is the first day of the Muslim calendar. Mutton is often served as the main course for this holiday meal.
Mawlid al Nabi (October 8th, 2022)
Mawlid al Nabi celebrates the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam.
Ramadan (April 2nd to May 1st, 2022)
Ramadan is the start of a month of fasting. It occurs in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Ramadan is a time for Muslims to renew themselves spiritually, devote time to Allah, and practice self control.
Eid al Fitr - The Breaking of the Ramadan Fast (May 2-3rd, 2022)
The end of the Ramadan fasting period occurs when the next new moon is sighted. For the next three days, Muslims celebrate Eid al Fitr. The celebration is a time for families to be thankful for their many joys and blessings
Passover lamb
Jewish Holidays
Pesach - Passover (April 15-22nd, 2022)
Pesach or Passover occurs on the 14th day of Nissan, which is the first month of the Jewish calendar. The holiday represents God passing over the houses of the Jews when the firstborn Egyptian sons were killed. Pesach also refers to the lamb that was sacrificed in the Temple.
Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year (September 25-27th, 2022)
Rosh Hashanah means head of the year in Hebrew and occurs on the first and second days of Tishri. Tishri is the seventh month of the Jewish calendar. During Rosh Hashanah, Jews will review their past year and make plans for changes in the coming year.
Chanukkah (December 18th-26th, 2022)
Chanukkah is an eight-day festival that is often known as the festival of the lights. It begins on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev.
Hindu Holidays
Navadurgara or Navatra Dashara or Dassai
The Hindu holiday which honours the goddess Durga. The holiday spans over nine nights.
Often referred to as the ‘Festival of Lights’ is a five day festival occurring on the 15th day of Kartika.
Other Holidays to Consider Lamb
Cinco de Mayo (May 5th)
Canada Day
Independence Day (USA) (July 4th)
Jamaican Independence Day