Lamb Testicles (1 lb)
Lamb Testicles (1 lb)
Lamb testicles, also known as lamb fries, are a culinary delicacy that are eaten in many parts of the world. They have a similar texture to scallops and a grassy, offal-like flavor. 2 per package
Lamb testicles can be grilled, fried, braised, or smoked.
To grill, leave the testicles whole so the outer membrane crisps and keeps them juicy.
To fry, batter them in eggs and panko crumbs and deep-fry for Rocky Mountain oysters or pan-fry in a skillet.
To smoke, soak them in milk or brine them for a day or two before cooking.
Lamb testicles are a good source of zinc, iron, magnesium, selenium, and vitamins A, D, E, and K.
They also contain bio-active testosterone, which can help with hormone balance.
Other names
Lamb testicles are also known as Rocky Mountain oysters, prairie oysters, stones, and fries.
In Arabic countries, they are called baid ghanam and in Turkey they are called koç yumurtası, which both mean "sheep eggs".
In Spanish-speaking countries, they are called criadillas, which means "little maids".