Lamb Leg Steak (2 lbs, 2-4 steaks)

Lamb Leg Steak (2 lbs, 2-4 steaks)


Two delicious Lamb leg steaks. Use the tender meat in slices, in kebabs or skewers, or cooked in a stew. This lean cut can be roasted in the oven, pan seared, or grilled.

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Bone-in leg of lamb steaks contain lean protein and the health and taste benefits of the bone. Our Bone-in steaks are substantial and can weigh up to 15-16 oz each providing a hearty meal for 2 to 4 people.

How to grill or pan sear juicy and tender lamb steaks in just a few simple steps. 

We recommend that you grill or pan-sear lamb steaks. The process is essentially the same regardless of whether you use an outdoor grill,  or a cast iron skillet. The cooking temperature and time needed are identical for each method. We also recommend that you flavor the meat first, beyond simply seasoning it with salt and pepper (and any other spices).  For the grilled lamb steaks you can use a dark beer mixed with your choice of  and curry, cinnamon, cumin, star anise, garlic powder, a bit of honey, vegetable oil and salt and pepper. If you don’t have time to marinate be sure to liberally season the steaks on both sides with salt and pepper and a spice or herb that you like (oregano, thyme, paprika etc.).

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1/4 Lamb Box (Great Deal) Lamb Box box.jpeg

1/4 Lamb Box (Great Deal)
